A Bug Surprise


You would be correct in thinking the words 'If you go down to the woods today' usually conjure up a picture of cuddly teddy bears, but think again as visitors to Kelling Heath Holiday Park are being asked to cuddle up to ‘bugs’ as part of an initiative to learn more about the smaller creatures that inhabit our planet.

Kelling Heath Holiday Park at Weybourne in North Norfolk has decided to introduce “Love Bug” sessions for families as part of their regular programme of planned activities linked to the natural environment.

The initiative will be launched as part of National Insect Week 19th to 25th June 2006 and includes gentle exposure to the world of bugs in the beautiful surroundings of Kelling Heath, set in 250 acres of woodland and rare open heathland.

Jason Kidman, Countryside Manager, is running the sessions which last for approximately 1 hour with activity geared towards children. Jason explains:

“Toddlers tend to love bugs and parents have to stop them picking them up or even trying to eat them, but when children get to school age their attitudes sometimes change and bugs become monsters, like something from Dr Who.”

“What we are trying to do is change perception by introducing children and mums and dads to the wonderful world of bugs – where they live, how they live, the jobs they perform and fascinating facts like the way that caterpillars turn into lovely butterflies.”

“At Kelling we take pride in our programme of events and how we interpret the management of this wonderful environment to our guests, ‘Love Bugs’ is a natural progression for us as we delve into the lives of some of our smallest and sometimes most overlooked residents” said Mr Kidman.

Toby Buckland from Colby Primary School near Aylsham receiving first prize for his Love Bugs design that will be used by Kelling HeathThe children of Colby Primary School near Alysham helped to launch the initiative by designing a logo for the “Love Bugs” sessions. Toby Buckland (7) entered a competition to create a design and was on hand to see his winning image unveiled by Michael Timewell, Marketing Director of Blue Sky Leisure who own Kelling Heath.


As Michael explained, the initiative has a serious side as it may help some feel more comfortable about bugs as It is estimated that 1 in 4 adults has an aversion to insects, especially spiders,


“Whilst ‘Love Bugs’ is about having fun, picking up beetles and looking at them under a microscope, it is also about helping people to feel much more at ease with these creatures, if it does then they might make friends with them next time!”


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Kelling Heath Woodhill Park